Sunday, April 27, 2008

Noah's Ark

After experiencing the revolution of the seniors yesterday, we awoke this morning not knowing what to expect next. It was warm and somewhat overcast, and Bill heard on the weather news that there was a chance of tornadoes in the Galveston area. Somehow tornadoes and cruise ships don’t mix in my mind. We got dressed and called a cab to take us to church. Sacred Heart of Jesus was a very beautiful old church with creaky wooden floors, and we enjoyed the Mass very much. Our plan was to walk the 16 or 17 blocks back to our hotel, but instead, a very nice couple in a minivan who had also been at church asked if we would like a ride back to the hotel, since they were staying there as well. Random acts of kindness…. We were able to return the favor when, after waiting a very long time, our cab came to take us to the ship, and we were able to ask that same couple if they would like to share our cab instead of wait longer for another to show up.

It began to rain, and as the day progressed, the rain came down harder. By 1 o’clock, we were checked into our room on the ship and had lunch. By time we were finished eating, the rain was coming down quite hard, and Noah’s Ark came to my mind. Luckily, the rain ended shortly before we set sail at 5.

We met our dinner companions, with whom we will be dining over the next 13 days. They are a very interesting assortment of individuals, including a man from Salt Lake City whose wife didn’t accompany him because she didn’t want to be on a ship for 13 days, a gentleman from Scotland who shares our last name, and a couple from Kansas City, Missouri, who are devout Christians who didn’t want to attend the comedy show that followed dinner for fear it might include foul language (it didn’t, though the comedian invited us to a midnight show that he warned us was adult entertainment).

Despite the earlier weather, the sea feels very calm tonight, at least so far.


Anonymous said...

Heather has taught me how to do this.....the leaving of comments. This is my trial run!

L.McLhibbertain said...

I am so happy you guys are off to a wonderful start. I hope your cruise has great food and that you are just able to curl up with books and wonder arround the ship. We have been thinking of you both often these last couple of days. xo L.